Thursday, April 16, 2009


It’s been a good day today. It began with a quite time of reading and meditating on God’s Word. Then I traveled to Chapel Hill, NC to visit a couple of folks from our church in the hospital. They had a kidney transplant on Tuesday and the Lord has richly blessed them and they are doing well. They may even get to come home on Friday. Praise the Lord! My parents from Morehead City, NC came this afternoon to visit for a few days. We’ve enjoyed a pleasant evening, eating supper and fellowshipping together with my wife, Jonathan and Heather, and my grandson, Brayden.
You may be familiar with the song, "There's a lighthouse on a hillside." Someone said, “The darkest place of any lighthouse is always at its base.” Wayne Cordeiro, in Leading On Empty, commenting on this thought said, we can “…shine a radiant beam out to the horizons, warning passing ships of dangerous water – while their own unmaintained plumbing floods the home.” This really spoke to my heart as a Pastor. If I’m not careful, I can “shine a radiant beam out to the horizons” and not let my light shine at home base. My prayer is that I will let my light shine as far as I can, but to also let it shine bright at home. I also want to lead my church in shining the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ as far as we can, but I don’t want us to neglect our home base. I want us to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ as bright as we can in our community.